Chinese Traditional Dictionary, English Chinese Traditional Dictionary
Definition of " 博物 " in Chinese (Trad.) Dictionary
Direct results |
Chinese (Trad.) » English |
博物 |
{bo2 wu4}
- {N} science: natural science
Indirect results |
Chinese (Trad.) » English |
博物館 |
{bo2 wu4 guan3}
博物館什麼時間開門? |
{bo2 wu4 guan3 shen2 me5 shi2 jian1 kai1 men2}
- {PHR} open: What time does the museum open?
博物館什麼時間關門? |
{bo2 wu4 guan3 shen2 me5 shi2 jian1 guan1 men2}
- {PHR} close: What time does the museum close?
博物館在哪里? |
{bo2 wu4 guan3 zai4 na3 li5}
- {PHR} museum: Where is the museum?
博物館學 |
{bo2 wu4 guan3 xue2}
博物館對公眾開放嗎? |
{bo2 wu4 guan3 dui4 gong1 zhong4 kai1 fang4 ma5}
- {PHR} museum: Is the museum open to the public?
您能告訴我這裏有哪些博物館嗎? |
{nin2 neng2 gao4 su4 wo3 zhe4 li5 you3 na3 xie1 bo2 wu4 guan3 ma5}
- {PHR} museum: Would you please tell me what museums there are here?
我們怎麼去博物館? |
{wo3 men5 zen3 me5 qu4 bo2 wu4 guan3}
- {PHR} museum: How are we going to the museum?