Chinese Traditional Dictionary, English Chinese Traditional Dictionary
Definition of " 以上 " in Chinese (Trad.) Dictionary
Direct results |
Chinese (Trad.) » English |
以上 |
{yi3 shang4}
- {ADV} more than
- {N} above: the above, above-mentioned: the above-mentioned, foregoing: the foregoing
- {PREP} above, over
Indirect results |
Chinese (Trad.) » English |
半以上 |
{ban4 yi3 shang4}
- {ADV} half: more than half
半數以上 |
{ban4 shu4 yi3 shang4}
- {ADV} half: more than half
我在哪里可以上網? |
{wo3 zai4 na3 li5 ke3 yi3 shang4 wang3?}
- {PHR} access: Where can I get access to the Internet?