Online Dictionary

Chinese Simplified Dictionary, English Chinese Simplified Dictionary

Definition of " how much " in Chinese (Simpl.) Dictionary
Direct results
English » Chinese (Simpl.)
how much
  • {ADV} 多少, 几
Indirect results
English » Chinese (Simpl.)
How much are the seats?
  • {PHR} 座位多少钱?
How much baggage can I take?
  • {PHR} 我能带多少行李?
How much chocolate can I take through customs?
  • {PHR} 我能带多少巧克力过海关?
How much do I owe?
  • {PHR} 我欠您多少钱?
How much do stamps cost for these letters?
  • {PHR} 这些信件邮费多少钱?
How much does a ticket cost?
  • {PHR} 一张票多少钱?
How much does it cost for 10 minutes?
  • {PHR} 10分钟多少钱?
How much does it cost for additional kilometers?
  • {PHR} 额外的里程数花费是多少?
How much does it cost to rent a motorboat?
  • {PHR} 租汽艇多少钱?
How much does it cost to rent a parachute?
  • {PHR} 租降落伞多少钱?
How much does it cost to rent a sunbed?
  • {PHR} 租日光浴床多少钱?
How much does it cost to rent a surfboard?
  • {PHR} 租冲浪板多少钱?
How much does it cost to rent a wet suit per day?
  • {PHR} 租一件潜水衣每天多少钱?
How much does it cost to rent a yacht?
  • {PHR} 租帆船多少钱?
How much does it cost to rent an umbrella?
  • {PHR} 租太阳伞多少钱?
How much does it cost to rent diving equipment?
  • {PHR} 租潜水设备多少钱?
How much does it cost to rent water skis?
  • {PHR} 租滑水橇多少钱?
How much does it cost to send this by express?
  • {PHR} 用快件寄这个多少钱?
How much does it cost to send this by registered mail?
  • {PHR} 用挂号信寄这个多少钱?
How much does this tour cost?
  • {PHR} 这次游览花费是多少?