Online Dictionary
Definition of " 該 " in Chinese (Trad.) English Dictionary
  • {A} above-mentioned
  • {ADV} likely: most likely
  • {AUX} ought to, should
  • {CONJ} that
  • {V} deserve, owe, turn: be one's turn
什麼時候放該電影? {shen2 me5 shi2 hou4 fang4 gai1 dian4 ying3}
  • {PHR} movie: When do you show the movie?
去...我應該乘坐哪趟車? {qu4 ... wo3 ying1 gai1 cheng2 zuo4 na3 tang4 che1}
  • {PHR} line: Which line should I take?
你應該去失物招領處看看。 {ni3 ying1 gai1 qu4 shi1 wu4 zhao1 ling3 chu4 kan4 kan5}
  • {PHR} lost-and-found: You should check the lost-and-found.
我在哪里可以買到該鎮的地圖? {wo3 zai4 na3 li5 ke3 yi3 mai3 dao4 gai1 zhen4 de5 di4 tu2}
  • {PHR} map: Where can I buy a map of the town?
我能走著去還是應該乘出租車? {wo3 neng2 zou3 zhe5 qu4 hai2 shi4 ying1 gai1 cheng2 chu1 zu1 che1}
  • {PHR} walk: Can I walk or should I take a taxi?
我想在該航班預定座位。 {wo3 xiang3 zai4 gai1 hang2 ban1 yu4 ding4 zuo4 wei4}
  • {PHR} reserve: I'd like to reserve a seat on this plane.
我想看看該鎮的舊地點。 {wo3 xiang3 kan4 kan5 gai1 zhen4 de5 jiu4 di4 dian3}
  • {PHR} quarter: I would like to see the town's old quarter.
我想要該地區自行車路徑圖。 {wo3 xiang3 yao4 gai1 di4 qu1 zi4 xing2 che1 lu4 jing4 tu2}
  • {PHR} bicycle: I'd like a map of the bicycle paths in this region.
我想要該地區步行小道圖。 {wo3 xiang3 yao4 gai1 di4 qu1 bu4 xing2 xiao3 dao4 tu2}
  • {PHR} walking: I'd like a map of the walking trails in this region.
我應該在什麼地方倒垃圾? {wo3 ying1 gai1 zai4 shen2 me5 di4 fang1 dao4 la1 ji1}
  • {PHR} trash: Where should I put out the trash?
我應該在什麼時候倒垃圾? {wo3 ying1 gai1 zai4 shen2 me5 shi2 hou4 dao4 la1 ji1}
  • {PHR} trash: When should I put out the trash?
我應該在哪一站下車? {wo3 ying1 gai1 zai4 na3 yi2 zhan4 xia4 che1}
  • {PHR} stop: Which stop should I get off at?
我應該在哪里下車? {wo3 ying1 gai1 zai4 na3 li5 xia4 che1}
  • {PHR} off: Where should I get off?
我應該在哪里換公共汽車呢? {wo3 ying1 gai1 zai4 na3 li5 huan4 gong1 gong4 qi4 che1 ne5}
  • {PHR} bus: Where should I change buses?
我應該在哪里換火車呢? {wo3 ying1 gai1 zai4 na3 li5 huan4 huo3 che1 ne5}
  • {PHR} train: Where should I change trains?
我應該在哪里換飛機呢? {wo3 ying1 gai1 zai4 na3 li5 huan4 fei1 ji1 ne5}
  • {PHR} plane: Where should I change planes?
我應該多長時間吃一次藥? {wo3 ying1 gai1 duo1 chang2 shi2 jian1 chi1 yi2 ci4 yao4?}
  • {PHR} medicine: How often should I take the medicine?
我應該如何吃這種藥? {wo3 ying1 gai1 ru2 he2 chi1 zhe4 zhong3 yao4}
  • {PHR} medicine: How should this medicine be taken?
我應該走哪個方向? {wo3 ying1 gai1 zou3 na3 ge5 fang1 xiang4}
  • {PHR} direction: In which direction should I go?
我應該直走嗎? {wo3 ying1 gai1 zhi2 zou3 ma5}
  • {PHR} straight: Should I go straight?
我應該問誰? {wo3 ying1 gai1 wen4 shui2}
  • {PHR} ask: Whom should I ask?
我應該通知誰? {wo3 ying1 gai1 tong1 zhi1 shui2}
  • {PHR} inform: Whom should I inform?
我應該等在這兒嗎? {wo3 ying1 gai1 deng3 zai4 zher4 ma5}
  • {PHR} wait: Shall I wait?
我應該調到哪個頻道才能看電影? {wo3 ying1 gai1 tiao2 dao4 na3 ge5 pin2 dao4 cai2 neng2 kan4 dian4 ying3}
  • {PHR} movie: Which channel do I set to see the movie?
退回汽車時,油箱應該是滿的嗎? {tui4 hui2 qi4 che1 shi2, you2 xiang1 ying1 gai1 shi4 man3 de5 ma5}
  • {PHR} return: Should I return the car with a full tank?
您有該鎮風景T恤衫嗎? {nin2 you3 gai1 zhen4 feng1 jing3 ti5 xu4 shan1 ma5}
  • {PHR} T-shirt: Do you have a T-shirt with views of the town?
您有該鎮風景日曆嗎? {nin2 you3 gai1 zhen4 feng1 jing3 ri4 li4 ma5}
  • {PHR} calendar: Do you have a calendar with views of the town?
您有該鎮風景明信片嗎? {nin2 you3 gai1 zhen4 feng1 jing3 ming2 xin4 pian4 ma5}
  • {PHR} postcard: Do you have a postcard with views of the town?
您有該鎮風景海報嗎? {nin2 you3 gai1 zhen4 feng1 jing3 hai3 bao4 ma5}
  • {PHR} poster: Do you have a poster with views of the town?
該公共汽車去那個地方嗎? {gai1 gong1 gong4 qi4 che1 qu4 na4 ge5 di4 fang5 ma5}
  • {PHR} bus: Does this bus go to that place?
該公共汽車時間表是最新的嗎? {gai1 gong1 gong4 qi4 che1 shi2 jian1 biao3 shi4 zui4 xin1 de5 ma5}
  • {PHR} bus: Is this bus schedule current?