Definition of " 才能 " in Chinese (Trad.) English Dictionary
Results |
才能 |
{cai2 neng2}
- {N} ability, aptness, capacity, talent
我怎麼才能從這裏去那個地方? |
{wo3 zen3 me5 cai2 neng2 cong2 zhe4 li5 qu4 na4 ge5 di4 fang1}
- {PHR} get: How can I get to this place from here?
我應該調到哪個頻道才能看電影? |
{wo3 ying1 gai1 tiao2 dao4 na3 ge5 pin2 dao4 cai2 neng2 kan4 dian4 ying3}
- {PHR} movie: Which channel do I set to see the movie?
發明的才能 |
{fa1 ming2 de5 cai2 neng2}